More than 21 million job advertisements from around the world were evaluated by learning firm and training program supplier Pearson. It discovered five "power abilities" that are currently driving both the global economy and individual careers.
The abilities included in Pearson's Skills Outlook are not technical. Instead, the skills that are most in demand are teamwork, leadership, customer focus, and communication.
Pearson's predictive AI modeling engine predicts that some of these abilities will still be in demand in 2026. The findings show that teamwork and customer focus will still be in high demand. But other soft skills like self-learning, achievement focus, and cultural and social intelligence are joining them as well.
"Swift investment is required, as both businesses and employees need a solid foundation of human capabilities to succeed. Non-technical skills, such as the capacity to learn and cultural and social intelligence, are becoming increasingly crucial as new technologies are adopted, according to Dr. Richard George, vice president of Pearson for data science in workforce skills.
According to the Pearson study, it will continue to be difficult to locate workers who possess these five abilities because demand will only increase.
The prospect of a recession in nations like the United States and Australia is expected to have an impact on Southeast Asian nations like Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. According to studies, this will increase the burden on neighborhood companies and employees.
Businesses will prioritize these human abilities and look for personnel who can remain versatile and relevant during this period of economic unpredictability. The less prepared and adaptive will overtake those who fail to upskill, leading to a competitive employment market where only the strongest will survive and prosper.
Pearson recommended that businesses train their present staff for these human qualities rather than looking for the ideal candidate. According to a World Economic Forum report, more than a billion people would need to reskill by 2030 in order to stay current in their fields and meet the changing needs of the workforce.
The companies who understand this and make an investment in assisting people in developing transferable and flexible skills will succeed in our rapidly changing global environment, according to George.
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